The Answer to the Ultimate Question (Rolling in the Mist)
Episode 40+1 – Watch out if you keep your knife next to your pocket mean
Guests: Kevin and Bravo – Rolling in the Mist
- All the podcatchers
Let’s chat!
- Don’s technical issues continue
- City of Mist table top RPG
- Starting a podcast
- Interesting character creations
- Funny critical fails
- Rules lawyers
- Shout-outs and apologies to Ryan and Laila from Bigfoot and Bob for having to miss their wedding. We wanted to go, but life threw too many curveballs. We love you guys!!!
- New poo-hole talk
- What drives you?
- The Ballad of Lucas Riverdale
- Fleabag
- Getting campaign names from real estate properties
- Becoming an actor
- The teachings of Cathol
- Positive feedback
- Archer vs. H. John Benjamin
- Representation matters!
- Cabin in the Woods
- Mike Pence SUCKS (Get Bent!)
- Gay pizza law
- Being the accepted straight white guy and having white guilt
- Roasting your friends
Intro song: Epic Song by Alpha Brutal
Outro song: Level 10: Finally Together by Komiku
Intro song: Epic Song by Alpha Brutal
Outro song: Level 10: Finally Together by Komiku