Inaugural Guerrilla Interview (Cryptid Technical)
Episode 39 – Lights out, guerrilla interview! Turn that shit up!
Today Don and Dean start off with:
- Indiegogo campaign to help upgrade gear –
- No show next week because Dean’s going out of town.
- Guerrilla Interviews via Podcast Junkie.
- Twitter:
- Discord:
- Happy Birthday to Keanu Reeves!
Then we meet our new friends, CJ and Andrew from the Cryptid Technical Podcast
- (and all the others)
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- Death Nut Challenge
- We are appetizer nuts.
- Evergreen State Fair
- Piroshky
- Jamaican Meat Pie
- Different cryptids
- Bigfoot and Bob
- Bigfoot goes on trial
- Three-headed dogs that don’t all speak the same language.
- Pop Psych 101
- Being an inspiration to people
- Celebrities starting podcasts
- Pod Nerds
- The dangers of hamstring pulls during podcasting
- The Joker
- The Cult of Jared Leto
- Movie trailers
- The new Bill & Ted movie
- Sam Rockwell
- Putting Don in the corner
- Don doesn’t like good movies and actors
- Comics
- Saga
- Garth Ennis
- The Boys: comic vs. TV show
- The Pro
- Crossed
- Revived
- Oldboy movies
- Chewed
- Preacher
- Netflix Punisher
- Are superheroes cryptids?
- Wolverine
- Deadpool vs Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
- Superhero sex toys