Episode 28 – The Cult of PodScure
Episode 28: Welcome to the family! Here’s your Kool-Aid!
Promo for episode: Pitney & Amelia’s Bitchen Boutique – http://bitchenb.libsyn.com/podcast
Don and Dean have a bantersode this week and talk about:
- Why NFL games start at :25 past the hour
- Breast feeding
- Free the nipple
- R.I.P. Tumblr
- Porn Jam –
- PAWS – https://www.paws.org/
- Northwest Harvest – https://www.northwestharvest.org/
- Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/manage/z3dbq-for-the-love-of-dogs
- Thank yous for donations
- Duvall Veterinary Hospital
- Walker-Giles-Roberts 2020
- Best drummer
- Q&A Session
- The Play Party Podcast
- Song Appeal
- Sinisterhood
- Radioverse
- Podcast Junkie
- Dispatches from the Multiverse
- Pop Psych 101
- FriGay the 13th
- Glen Thinks Stuff
- No Subject
- Common Ground Football
- Rabbit Hole Motel
- Pitney & Amelia’s Bitchen Boutique
- Janessa Jaye Champagne (Janessa After Dark)
Intro song: Epic Song by Alpha Brutal
Outro song: Level 10: Finally Together by Komiku